The Board of Commissioners of the Housing Authority of the City of Buford, Georgia, is composed of five persons duly appointed by the Commissioners of the City of Buford, Georgia. These five Housing Authority Commissioners volunteer their time and capabilities to the benefit of our organization and to the people we serve. Commissioners perform a number of tasks as they conduct the business of their office:
Attend Board Meetings of the Housing Authority where they participate in Board discussions and make decisions;
Establish policies on personnel, grievance procedures, procurement, admission, eviction and qualifications which applicants and residents must meet to obtain housing or remain housed;
Work with the Executive Director and staff to ensure that Board sanctioned policies and procedures are followed in daily operations;
Review and approve budgets to ensure compliance with federal and local laws and requirements;
Interact with local, state and federal governments and agents thereof to assure that residents of this Housing Authority are well served.
The Board of Commissioners of this Housing Authority meet in Regular Session quarterly on the last Thursday of the months of March, June and September and Thursday of the second week of December each year. Called meetings of the Board of Commissioners may be held at any time during the year when there is important and timely business to consider. Meetings of the Board of Commissioners of this Housing Authority are held at 10:00 AM in the Board Room at the offices of this Housing Authority located at 2050 Hutchins Street, Buford, Georgia 30518. All meetings are held after Public Notice posted in the lobby of the office and are open to the public.
Board of Commissioners of the Housing Authority of the City of Buford, Georgia
Dorothy Lott |
Chairwoman |
Douglas R. Williams Sr. |
Vice Chairman |
Mitch Peevy |
Commissioner |
Mark Cunningham |
Commissioner |